Looking Past The Storm!
I was thinking of Noah this morning. There was a season when Noah was in the Ark, and all he could see was rain. Scenes of death and destruction were vivid before his eyes. The length of the trial seemed to extend on into infinity, and hope may have been hard to see. Yet, through it all, he had the Promises of the Lord. He had his family to care for and the work God set before him to accomplish. As Noah was focused on loving the Lord and his family, God was preparing a new path before him. The Lord stopped the rain, dried the land, and brought new life upon it. When the appointed time came, Noah stepped out of the Ark and saw the handiwork of God. There he saw that God had given him a fresh start in life. Saints of God, we too will step out of this ark of confinement. We will see that the Lord Jesus has given us a fresh start, a purposed life, and a promise of His incredible love. We need not focus on the rain but on His rainbow.
He loves you with an everlasting love!
A Fresh Filling!
I was reflecting on the passage in John 20 where Jesus appeared to His disciples after His Resurrection. He came and stood in their midst, as stated in Scripture, and He said, “Peace be unto you.” He showed the disciples His hands and His side, and His disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. It was a needed personal moment after the arrest, trial, and death of the Lord. There was great fear and even hopelessness flooding their hearts and minds. To say they were discouraged is an understatement on how they felt. Yet, the living Lord stepped into their lives and breathed a fresh breath upon them. They received the Holy Spirit and were back on track to walk in their calling, all except one. The disciple Thomas was not with the group. He still carried around his discouragement and doubts. Even though others around him were excited in their faith, he had not been renewed in his. Jesus' love for Thomas was so great that he personally appeared to him and renewed his heart as well. He told Thomas, “Don't be faithless any longer. Believe!”
In these days, Jesus our Lord desires to step back into your life and breath upon you a fresh filling of His Holy Spirit. A filling that stirs the heart of worship and renews our heart of praise. A renewing that will take an existence and turn it into excitement. Going through the motions in life transformed to a renewed purpose for living. I believe God has started this renewing and will continue it as we gather together. New worship, a new devotional life, a new hope, and a renewed purpose are the things our Lord will bring. A fresh filling is what we need! Here is a verse to hold onto, Revelation 21:5, “And the One seated on the throne said, 'Behold, I make all things new.' Then He said, 'Write this down, for these words are faithful and true.' ” We will share more this Sunday.
May Jesus Bless You Richly, Kirk